Tanjung Kasuari Beach, Papua

Tanjung Kasuari Beach located not far from the town of Sorong. Access to this place can be done by riding a car, public transportation or a rental bike. Cassowary famous cape coast clear water and atmosphere is quite crowded by people around who trade around the coast.

Many tourists who love to swim at this beach because the waves are not so big and clean water. In addition, this beach can be one place to hold a barbecue party and memandangai beautiful sunset.

Lampu Satu Beach, Papua

The Lampu Satu beach is located about 4 kilometers from the town of Merauke. A    long the way to the coast, we will pass through many township residents who still uphold the customs and culture of their ancestors.

This beach is called Lampu Satu "light one" because there is a large lighthouse located around the coast. The beach is still quiet and has a very beautiful view of the sunset, creating a memorable romance for anyone who came to him.

Raja Ampat Beach, Papua

Raja Ampat Islands archipelago is located in the Bird's Head region of Papua comprising Waigeo Island, Misool, Salawati and Batanta Island. The islands are already very popular in foreign countries because of the diversity of the ecosystem level is very high. Coral reefs in Raja Ampat almost 75% of the world's ecosystem level.
In this archipelago of Raja Ampat beach there are also very beautiful. The beach is accessible by sea from the town of Sorong. Of course, access to the beach is not easy, but in order to feel the air clean and white sand beaches and pristine Raja Ampat, the level of tourist visits to the beach is on the increase.

Bakaro Beach, Papua

This beach is located on the main coast of Manokwari and is located not far from the white sand beach. We can achieve this with two or four wheel drive vehicles.
Bakaro beach sea water color very clean so we can see what lies beneath the surface of the water. In addition to enjoying the natural beauty of Papua are so original, we can also diving, fishing and swimming at this beautiful beach.

Harlem Beach, Papua

Many Papuans who say that Harlem beach is the most beautiful beaches in Papua. Therefore, the beach is pretty much visited by tourists. This beach is located in Depapre District, Jayapura.

Access to this place is quite challenging due to the unavailability of land transportation (unless you want to walk through the forest). Consequently, to reach this beach, we had to wade through the sea with fishing boats for 30 minutes. Facilities at the beach is also quite adequate as food vendors, souvenirs and other holiday support services.

Most domestic and foreign tourists visiting the beach Harlem for diving and fishing. It is powered sea blue beach Harlem that add beauty to this beach.

Sanur Beach, Bali

Sanur Beach is a famous tourist hub of the island of Bali. This place is located just east of the city of Denpasar, the capital of Bali. Sanur is located in the municipality of Denpasar.
Because it has a fairly quiet waves, then Sanur beach can not be used to surf like Kuta Beach. Not far off Sanur Beach tourist sites are also diving and snorkeling. Therefore, the condition is friendly, the location can be used by scuba divers of all levels of expertise.

Sanur beach is also known as Sunrise beach (beach Sunrise) as opposed to Kuta Beach.
Because the location east of the island of Bali, the Bali beach this be the right location to enjoy the sunrise or the sun rises. It makes it more interesting sights, there's even a section on Sanur beach is named beach Sunrise because the scenery is very beautiful when the sun rises when viewed from there.

Along the coast of Bali this be the right place to see the sun rise. Especially now built a kind of sanderan that contain tiny huts that can be used as a place to sit around waiting for Sunrise. In addition, the waves on the beach is relatively quieter so it is suitable for beach recreation arena kids and harmless.

In addition, visitors can see the sun rises with a swim at the beach. Most of the region's beaches have white sand exotic. Equipped with shade trees, visitors can sit and enjoy the roasted corn or spring rolls are being sold vendors.

Along the coast of Bali's tourist attractions are now equipped with supporting the tour, such as hotels, restaurants or small cafes and art shop. One of the oldest hotels in Bali are built on this beach. The hotel is named Ina Grand Bali Beach which is located right on the waterfront. In addition, along the coastline also built a kind of pedestrian area that is often used as a jogging path by tourists or locals. The line was stretched to the south past the beach Shindu, Coral coast until Semawang so that tourists can exercise while enjoying the view of the beach in the morning.

Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi

Palabuhanratu beach, or more popularly as Pelabuhan Ratu Beach, is a coastal resort in the southern Indian Ocean West Java. Location is situated approximately 60 km to the south of the city of Sukabumi.
This beach is known to have a very strong waves and therefore dangerous for swimmers beach. Topography of the combination of steep and sloping beaches, steep cliffs, waves, forest and nature reserves.
Because this place has their own appeal, President Sukarno retreat founded in 1960 in the Official Tenjo. In addition, at the initiative of Sukarno founded Ocean Beach Hotel, one of the first luxury hotel built in Indonesia at the same time as the Hotel Indonesia, Bali Beach Hotel, and Convenience Stores "Sarinah", all of which use the funds from the Japanese war reparations .

Recreational FacilitiesIn addition to large and luxurious hotel Ocean Beach Hotel, in this area there are also a number of small hotels and inns, Gods cottage resort is one of the luxury villas are quite in demand by tourists. Not far from the beach Palabuhanratu there are several other tourist sites. Karanghawu beach, which is located approximately 20 miles from downtown Palabuhanratu, a coral beach that juts into the sea and perforated in several parts of it. Reefs form more like a furnace, in Sundanese called "Hawu". Other beaches are located in this area include Cibareno Beach, Cimaja, Cibangban, Break Water, Citepus, Kebon Kelapa, and Tenjo Official.
Approximately 17 miles of beach Palabuhanratu there are hot springs in Cisolok, the water contains a high sulfur and useful for health.
Around Palabuhanratu, there are at least nine point location for surfing, namely in Batu Guram, Karang Sari, Ocean Beach, Cimaja, Karang Haji, Indicator, Sunset Beach, Waves Edge Seven to Tile. Each beach has waves with its own characteristics.

MythSouthern coastal communities, especially Palabuhanratu believe their south sea power that Ratu Kidul. That said, it is a beautiful queen like an angel. South Sea - another name of the Indian Ocean - south of Java, he reigns on a large empire delicate creatures and beautiful.
In April usually the public about Palabuhanratu a ritual ceremony Fishermen's Day. Fishermen's Day is meant as a celebration of sustenance they get from the sea and to be kept away from disaster. Usually in this ceremony provided offerings of buffalo head that will be floated out to sea.

Preservation of Fauna
Dipesisir Sukabumi, precisely Pangumbahan Edge Tile shore there is a location used as a breeding ground for sea turtles. at first, the turtles are hunted by many people because ignorance, but this time, the Government has implemented a Sukabumi PERDA shaped regulations to protect these endangered animals, consequently made captive turtle on the beach Pangumbahan end of the tile.

Natsepa Beach, Ambon

Beach Natsepa become a favorite tourist destination because of its location which is not too far from the city of Ambon. To reach this beach is not difficult. By traveling approximately 30 minutes from the town of Ambon using ground transportation, then you came Natsepa Beach. Proximity to the city center location makes it a favorite of the city of Ambon, as well as most of the tourists who are visiting the city of Ambon will stop to this beach.
Natsepa beach is quite extensive, even if it is receding, making extensive beach increases. The parents used to take children to walk down this beach while occasionally dipping their toes in the water. Other parents look happy playing sand, building sand castles, or bury themselves in the sand. The extent Natsepa Beach is also a fun place for children to play football. With gusts of wind and sand smooth make kids lose track of time while playing ball.

With a calm sea water because it blocked the bay, make this beach safe for swimming for the visitors. Just to walk into the sea while playing water is also quite safe to do so because the beach is quite gentle so as not to endanger. You can rent a tire as a float to try to swim at this beach.

Baron Beach, Yogyakarta

Baron Beach is one of the attractions such as beaches located in Kemadang Village, District Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul. Location Baron Beach can be reached 40 km from the city center. The origin of the name is derived from the name Baron Dutch nobleman named Baron Skeber. The nobility never landed his ship on the south coast precisely on the beach which is currently known as the Baron. The road to Baron Beach attractions well enough to pass personal vehicles, motorcycles and buses.

Baron Beach attractions are the beaches form a basin. Like the other beaches, Baron available in a variety of marine fish and their processed products. The fish are usually sold at Baron Beach is the tiger shrimp, snapper, white pomfret and cob. Baron has a facility such as the fish auction, children's rides, boat engine, and a souvenir shop. Sirkaya fruit, banana horn, soursop, and various souvenirs made from sea shells. Souvenirs made from shells which are sold at Baron Beach is a brooch, curtain shells, decorative lamps, mirrors decorated with coral, textures, and various animal characters are also made of sea shells.

Sea alms ceremony is a ceremony that is still often done by people Gunungkidul. Baron Beach is one of the places to hold the sea alms ceremony. Sea alms ceremony is held every year on the Shura in the Javanese calendar. Sea alms ceremony performed as an expression of gratitude for the locals on the abundance of fish catches at Baron Beach. Initially, the bulk of the population around the Baron is not a fisherman but the farmers who cultivate the garden. Once upon a time there was someone who started fishing on the seaside and get a lot of fish, then a lot of people who follow the person to catch fish. Increasingly, fish on the beach getting a little then try to catch fish population ketengah sea using a wooden raft. The presence of the ship at this beach because of a tragedy when fishermen when fishing in the sea was bitten by a shark then this news was spread everywhere and make government donated boats for fishing Baron Beach.

The uniqueness of Baron Beach is the presence of underground Sunga fairly swift flowing toward the ocean. Underground river that flows into the sea and form a river. Uniquely underground river in Baron Beach is a sense of fresh water that despite being very close to the sea. Visitors who do not dare to play and swim in the sea can play water and swim dialiran underground river. Other sights in Baron Beach is a hill located around the coast. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the beach from the top of the hill.

Plengkung Beach, Banyuwangi

Plengkung beach, or better known as the G-Land, is a beach located in the National Park Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi, East Java. Plengkung can be achieved during a half-day road trip from Bali. Plengkung beach can also be reached by boat rented from Bali.

In 1972, a group of surfers from the United States organized an expedition to go Plengkung. This expedition was followed by 8 groups of surfers. The three of them set off by boat rental while 5 other groups overland. Land group traveled to arrive at the village Grajagan. From Grajagan, they cover a distance of 20 kilometers to get Plengkung the way down the coastal waters using a surfboard. Having missed the hard drive and lack of clean water (clean water they collect rain water when it rains and the boat stuck on the screen), the group put on a rented boat landed directly in Plengkung. Shortly after arriving, they set up a base camp for the purposes of review of the surf spot. They exist in Plengkung for 10 days.

Surf Camp
A surfer named Mike Boyum help establish a first surf camp in Plengkung. Surf Camp was eventually taken over by a Balinese surfer named Bobby Radiasa at the end of the decade of the '70s until now. Inspired from the surf camp belonging Boyum / Bobby, Surf other camp was opened in Plengkung. They include the G-Land Bobby's Surf Camp which offers accommodation and facilities complete with a relatively affordable rates. In addition there 'Joyo's Surf Camp and G-Land Surf Camp.

Parangtritis Beach, Yogyakarta

Parangtritis is a well-known attractions in Yogyakarta apart from other beach objects such as Samas, Baron, Kukup, Krakal and Glagah. Parangtritis has a unique view not found in other attractions are in addition to big waves also the presence of dunes around the beach, which is commonly called the dunes. This attraction has been managed by the Bantul regency quite well, ranging from lodging facilities and markets selling souvenirs Parangtritis.

Parang there is also an ATV, horse-drawn carriage and horses that can be rented for down the coast from east to west. In addition Parangtritis is also a place for air sports / aeromodeling.

In addition there is a bathhouse called Parangwedang. It is said that the water in these baths can cure various diseases among skin diseases because the water from these baths containing sulfur. Hot water from Parangwedang also flowed to Parangtritis to rinse after playing sand and also irrigate small pool playing children.

The other location is Parangkusumo. At the beach there Cepuri said to be the meeting place between the king with Nyi Roro Kidul Yogyakarta. On certain days (usually in Sura) here made offerings offerings (harbor) for the Queen of the South Seas or in the Java language.

Parai Tenggiri Beach, Bangka Belitung

Parai Tenggiri Beach is one of the attractions located in Sungai Liat, Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands. Precisely located in the village of New Light which is approximately 30 kilometers north of the city of Pangkalpinang. This beach has a sloping contour with a relatively small waves. This beach is the beach mainstay in Bangka Belitung islands.

Sights and Facilities
Parai mackerel beach has white sand that is still clean and stones natural granite. These stones have a considerable size and are natural, aggravating the exotic impression of this beach.

The coastal areas designated as green or the tourist area known as green Parai resort. This is because the manager has a very great concern to the business of saving the environment, namely by reducing the use of materials that can contaminate coastal areas. For example, is to reduce the use of plastic and planted many trees in coastal areas. Business at this location is also very concerned about the safety and comfort of travelers there. This can be seen from the beach environment clean and orderly beautiful and some coast guard to monitor visitors who swim, to avoid things that are unwanted.

Visitors can not only enjoy the natural beauty, but also can perform other marine recreational interest. In this mackerel Parai beach, airport rental manager fishing boat complete with all the equipment for tourists who like fishing. In addition, here also the visitors can enjoy the thrill of the challenge offered by banana boat. and be able to dive to see the coral reefs in the sea immediately adjacent to the sea south of love.

Parai Beach is arguably the most expensive and most beautiful beaches in the eastern row of Bangka Island. If visitors are free to enter at any time without having to pay at the beach Bangka in general, another case with the beautiful Parai. The belle of this deserves to be called a hidden paradise of the world. Of course the beach is not less beautiful beaches on the island of Belitung. In addition to sea water is clean and clear, this beach has a large cluster of rocks and formations are so beautiful when combined with palm trees and white sand.

Senggigi Beach, Lombok

Senggigi Beach is a famous tourist spot in Lombok. It is on the west coast of the island of Lombok. Senggigi Beach is not at Kuta Beach in Bali, but suddenly we were here will feel like being in Kuta Beach, Bali. Entering the area of Senggigi beach, tourists seta immediately greeted by a gentle breeze that soothes. Coastal beaches are still beautiful, though there are still scattered leaf litter because rarely cleaned. Underwater scenery is very beautiful, and tourists can do surface diving (snorkel) as much as the waves are not too big. Ketengah towering coral reefs causing large waves breaking in the middle. There are also hotels with prices ranging from expensive to economically valuable hotel.

Batu Bolong
About a half-hour walk, the tourists can find Batu Bolong on this beach. It is a temple built on a rock which is located on the waterfront. According to local legend of yore often held sacrifice a virgin to fed to the sharks in this place. Another legend says first of many women who avail yourself of this place into the sea because of a broken heart. Also visible from Mount Agung in Bali.

Batu Bolong
Not far from Batu Bolong the tomb of a scholar. It is a sacred place for the Wetu Barbadensis. Batu Bolong crowded visit during "Eid Topat" which is Eid for those who fasted one week after Idul Fitri.

Pangandaran Beach, West Java

Pangandaran Beach is a flagship attraction Pangandaran district (division of Kudat District) located in the southeast of West Java, precisely in the Village Pananjung, District Pangandaran, Pangandaran Regency, West Java Province. This beach was named the best beach on the island of Java, according to AsiaRooms.

In addition to its beautiful beaches, Pangandaran Beach also has some other features, among others:
  1. Can see the sunrise and sunset from the East Coast and the West Coast on the same day.
  2. Sloping beaches with crystal clear water and the distance between the ups and downs relatively long, thus allowing us to swim with relative safety.
  3. There is a beach with white sand.
  4. Having a beach tourist rescue teams.
  5. Asphalted road environment with adequate street lighting.
  6. There is a marine park with fish and fascinating marine life.
  7. Cave of Japan WWII.
Event Tourism
  1. Hajat Laut (Marine urination), the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as the embodiment of their gratitude for the grace of God Almighty by way melarung offerings to the high seas. The event is usually held in each month of Muharram, to take place on the East Coast Pangandaran.
  2. International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of activities which we can see in every month of June or July.

Bali Island

Bali is an island and province of Indonesia. The province includes the island of Bali and a few smaller neighbouring islands, notably Nusa Penida. It is located at the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. Its capital of Denpasar is located at the southern part of the island.
Tanah Lot, Bali, Indonesia

With a population of 3,890,757 in the 2010 census, and currently 4,225,000 as at January 2014, the island is home to most of Indonesia's Hindu minority. According to the 2010 Census, 84.5% of Bali's population adhered to Balinese Hinduism, 12% to Islam, and most of the remainder followed Christianity.

Bali is the largest tourist destination in the country[citation needed] and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music. Since the late 20th century, the province has had a rise in tourism.